Terms & conditions of trade
We're here to help you become a better version of yourself
​In a consumerist society we will help you to bring an end to the never ending consumption and waste, and transition to a more environmentally and financially sustainable future.
We reward Zero Heroes
We reward those helping to build a better future. Once you become a member, you open up discounts and special offers made available only to Zero Heroes, working to build a zero waste future.
Our promise
Our promise to you- we will endeavour to deliver above and beyond your expectations every time, building a business relationship based on honesty and mutual respect. You treat us with respect and we'll work our butts off to make you happy!
1. Payment for Products Purchased
1.1 All Prices are exclusive of shipping and any associated taxes.
1.2 Trading Terms are strictly 30 Days from date of invoice
1.3 A 50% Deposit is required for all orders of $20,000 AUD or greater value
1.4 A 50% Deposit is required with the order and the balance payable FOB for export sales.
1.5 In the event an account is not paid by the due date; the purchaser must pay Zero Civil interest on any amount not paid by the due date. The interest rate will be the rate payable by business customers on overdrawn current accounts to the supplier's principal bank at the time of the order. It will be calculated daily and capitalized monthly.
2 Installation
2.1 The purchaser must install, or use, and require any on-purchaser to install or use, a Zero Civil product purchased under only in accordance with the installation instructions and directions provided by Zero Civil. Any warranty given by Zero Civil, or covenant to replace, will be nullified if the installation instructions or directions for use, are not adhered to.
2.2 Zero Civil is not liable for any loss or damage caused by an installation by any person of a Zero Civil product purchased.
3 Zero Civil liabilities for defective products
3.1 Zero Civil is liable for a defect in Zero Civil products that arises from faulty design, materials, or workmanship, but not from fair wear and tear. Zero Civil is only liable if the defect appears within 6 months after the date of delivery.
3.2 The purchaser must deliver the defective Zero Civil products purchased to Zero Civil premises or other premises nominated by Zero Civil within 30 days after the date when the defect is discovered.
3.3 All associated costs of delivery of the defective products to the location specified by Zero Civil must be paid by the purchaser.
4 Exclusion or Limitation of Warranties
4.1 All other conditions and warranties of any type in relation to the Zero Civil products purchased are excluded to the maximum extent allowed by the law. In respect of Zero Civil products purchased (being not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic, or household use or consumption), the liability of Zero Civil for a breach of any condition or warranty implied by law is limited to any one or more of the following, at the option of Zero Civil: Replacing the product purchased, or supplying an equivalent Zero Civil product; repairing the products purchased; or providing a credit note to the purchaser, in respect to the damaged goods, upon return of the damaged goods to Zero Civil.
FYI: In 20 years no one has ever had to act on this clause, just sayin'
5 Distributors
5.1 Distributors can apply for a 20% Discount (Minimum order quantities required). Distribution Agreement must be signed and approved in writing by Zero Civil before discounts will be applied.
5.2 To be eligible for a Distributors Discount, the following minimum quantities must be ordered: Smart 60 mm Foundations: Minimum order of 100 units; Impact Recovery Rings: Minimum order of 50 units; Bollards: Minimum order of 10 units of the same bollard; Discounts not provided with other products.
5.3 Zero Civil is not liable for any marketing to assist Distributors although Distributors can apply for marketing funds to be allocated to promotional opportunities that are deemed beneficial to Zero Civil.
6 Intellectual Property
6.1 All intellectual property utilized by Zero Civil in the manufacture of any Zero Civil product remains forever the sole property of Zero Civil.
6.2 The purchaser must never attempt itself, or permit, encourage or allow any other person to copy the manufacture or construction of any product purchased, alter or reverse engineer the products supplied.
7 Disputes concerning an account
7.1 If the purchaser does not agree with any part of an account, it must immediately give Zero Civil a written notice stating that it is disputing the account and giving the reasons why. If the response does not satisfy the purchaser, then the dispute must be mediated by a mediator at the cost of the purchaser. When a dispute has been resolved, any amount owing by the purchaser on that account must be paid within 3 working days along with any associated interest resulting from the delay in payment.
7.2 If an account is overdue, Zero Civil has the right to refuse delivery of goods to the purchaser or accept any future orders until the account has been paid in full.
We believe good business is honest and transparent. We are working to help you build a better future and if we can improve our service to you- please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to helping you become more environmentally and financially sustainable.
Available Nationally
You can order any of our products from all major distributors of traffic and civil supplies Australia wide. If you have a preferred supplier not on our list- please don't hesitate to contact us on 08 9248 5545 to add them to our suppliers list, or email hello@zerocivil.com