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Installing bollards  is now crazy simple!

Ground sockets and bollards can be installed from a standing position, facing traffic. REFER TO NOTES BELOW

last 100 years

Main thing to remember is that these foundations will last 100 years or more if installed correctly, so do cut corners 




1. Ground Socket is installed flush with surface and must be completely encased in concrete. A minimum of 150 mm quality 30MPa concrete is required on all sides of socket to protect surrounding paving and socket from damage when bollard is impacted.

2. Pierce base of socket (weak spot provided) using screwdriver or drill and place rubble beneath socket to allow drainage.

3. Allow space for paving/ asphalt so ground socket finishes level with road or footpath (no trip factors)

4. When digging hole- ensure sand does not fall in making footing tapered as this will make the footing unstable. If soil is too dry and sandy we suggest making frame out of wood or reo cage to support concrete footing

5. DO NOT USE flexible grout or rapid set, as rapid set is not resistant to impact and grout will enable socket to over-flex and possibly cause damage. 

6. Make sure you install caps once installation tool is removed, especially before spraying asphalt.


Core drill or remove pavers and dig hole depth of ground socket (350 or 650 mm depth) allowing space for paving/ asphalt so ground socket finishes level with road or footpath (no trip factors)

Pierce base of socket (weak spot provided) using screwdriver or drill and place rubble beneath socket (to allow drainage) and alit concrete to secure socket in position..


Use installation tool to position socket upright in hole and pour concrete level with ground (allowing room for paving/ asphalt if necessary). Check alignment.

Once concrete has cured, spin the installation tool to remove and cap off the socket or install the resistance core so rubble does not enter the socket.





When installing sockets directly in soil you need a large footing so it is more imperative than ever that you make the concrete reusable (Min 30MPa) minimum 650 mm depth x 400 mm width.



NB: Socket does not alter the size concrete footing required- it is simply a protective shield to make the concrete footing re-usable.Socket is installed flush with surface and must be completely encased in concrete.


We recommend you install a 650 mm - 1m x 400 mm square foundation to provide stability and ensure against dislodgement when an item is impacted.

For bollards likely to be impacted by trucks or heavy vehicles increase depth accordingly and you can use a reo cage for further support.

zero waste foundations
zero waste foundations
zero waste foundations

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Gibberd Road Balcatta WA 6021

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Victoria Road Malaga WA 6090

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Innovation Drive Wangara 6065


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